Cancer Survivorship Center Optimization
How might we create a more equitable and inclusive experience for all cancer survivorship patients at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center?

Live Well Collaborative, 2022—2023
Project Lead / Designer

User Interviews
UX Design
UX Research
Project Management

Background & Objectives
The CCHMC Survivorship Center provides lifelong care for cancer survivors. Members of the team identified disparities in patient retention between different racial/ethnic groups. CCHMC seeks to reduce those disparities and provide an equitable experience for all their patients.
To examine, identify, and address issues related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as they relate to the Cancer Survivorship Center at Cincinnati Children's.

This project is ongoing at the Live Well Collaborative and I was happy to participate in a year of this project.

Summer 2022
Understanding Background
The summer of 2022 was spent researching the Cancer Survivorship Center, interviewing its staff, and beginning to understand the journey of a patient who has completed their cancer treatment.
Fall 2022
Deeper Understanding
In Fall of 2022, the team began interviews with patients, and continued interviews with staff, in order to correct some misconceptions we had about the process.We also began to map individual patient journeys.
Spring 2023
Focused Patient Interviews and Persona Creation
The spring semester as of March 2023 has been spent interviewing patients of color in order to identify any differences in their experience, as compared to white patients.

By the end of the semester, we are hoping to create a group of personas that represent the patient population we are hoping to solve for.

After the spring semester, Live Well will begin ideating potential solutions for the survivorship center.
© 2023 | Designed & developed by Sophia Mathioudakis